
Personal blog consisting of various tutorials/guides about Java Spring Boot, algorithms and coding in general.

Step-by-step guides with images and code snippets.

Source code on GitHub.

What You’ll Find Here

Java Spring Boot






JWT Auth

Who am I?

I am a Software Developer specialized in Java Spring currently working at a software company in Romania. Education-wise, I graduated with a diploma in Computer Science, and I am also currently pursuing a master’s degree in the field of Computer Science and Economics. Slowly but surely, I will start to provide tutorials and guides about topics that I already know or that I just recently stumbled upon and consider to be interesting enough to be shared. Although the majority of the posts will be related to Java and technologies/frameworks that work alongside it, I will likely post about different topics like Algorithms, Machine Learning in Python and some Angular too.

All the posts will contain detailed step-by-step instructions alongside images and code snippets for clearer visibility. A GitHub repository link will also be provided so that everyone can clone and have quick access to the source code. I will also provide links to the official Spring documentation (or the appropriate documentation for the current topic) for those interested in a more comprehensive and detailed reading.


Years of Experience


Personal Projects



Table of contents

Random chunks of code grouped in rows.

Possible future posts